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Roof Tip: Seasonal Lights Install


Here are some stress free holiday light install  for your home or business Seasonal display. 


1. This is the big one: Have a plan.


2. The power source: 

      A. Locate outlets

      B. Inspect extension cords

      C . Ensure extension cord is the right length

      D. Make sure you use an outdoor extension cord and timer


3. Use a ladder that is right for the job.

      A. Extension ladder should  be able to reach standing on 4th rung from the top

      B. Step Ladder should be able to reach standing on the 2nd step from the top 


4. Measure the length of the lights ( a good way is to lay the lights out on the ground)


5. Test the lights

      A. Make sure extension cords, light strands all are working before install


 6. Use plastic clips to attach lights to home without damaging your home's trim, walls or roof.

      A. Make sure you have enough clips

      B. Proper size and shape for install on your roof/trim structure


7. While installing seasonal lights make sure to keep an eye open for soffit or roof damage. What is a small repair now can become a costly repair later. 

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